Green Neon Tetra

Paracheirodon simulans has many common names — such as the False neon tetra, Green Neon Tetra , and Blue neon tetra. They are known for the iridescent blue-green line running down the side of their body that seems to change hues depending on their mood, the environment, and the viewing angle. At night when the lights are off, the stripe becomes darker but is still clearly visible as a glittery royal blue or indigo shade. This color change is useful for hiding in the blackwater river basins of Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela where they are commonly found.

This little omnivore is fairly low on the food chain, so in the wild, they opportunistically go after tiny crustaceans, worms, insects, algae, and various types of plankton. To make sure they get a full range of healthy nutrients and vitamins, feed a variety of small foods that can fit in their mouths — such as crumbled flakes, nano pellets, freeze-dried tubifex worms, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food. Besides dry, prepared fish foods, they would love it if you offered live baby brine shrimp, frozen cyclops, and daphnia.

For a full care guide on these fish, click here



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