Kenya Tree


Kenya tree corals from the genus Capnella are an attractive choice. They’re not just decorative, but also highly adaptable and pretty unfussy!

Let’s go into everything you need to know about Kenya tree coral care and how to grow this soft leather coral in your home aquarium.

Name (Common, Scientific) Kenya tree, cauliflower soft coral, Capnella sp.
Temperature 73-84 °F
Salinity 1.023-1.025
pH 8.1-8.4
Difficulty level Easy
Temperament Semi-aggressive
dkH 8-12

Despite their common name referring to a single African country, Kenya tree corals are actually found from the Red Sea all the way to the western Pacific. Their range includes the African islands of Zanzibar and Madagascar, plus the Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines.

Because this isn’t a single species of coral but rather a whole genus, it’s not surprising that their natural habit can vary a little. Members of Capnella are often found on deeper reefs, but it’s not uncommon either to see them in more turbulent coastal zones either.

All this means this genus is pretty adaptable when it comes to factors like flow and light, which is a big advantage for us aquarists!

Learn more by clicking here


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