Aquaforest Component 123+

Aquaforest Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle 5L

By far one of the easiest ways to dose balanced solutions calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium along with all other major and minor elements corals will need for health and vitality. The proportions are based on the Balling Method and can be dosed manually or through a dosing pump system.

Kit Contains:

  • 5000 mL Component 1+
  • 5000 mL Component 2+
  • 5000 mL Component 3+

If you use a system like the Probiotic or Balling system, you will want to give the Component 1+, 2+, 3+ system a try for the addition of essential elements. It is by far one of the easiest systems to hook up to a 3 pump dosing system to maintain all major and minor trace elements in a reef tank. Each component contains a balanced mixture of elements that blend well together, and will not precipitate in the storage jugs.

Tip: By drilling a hole in the removable top on the jugs and purchasing a few 1/4″ tank adapter bulkheads and 1/4″ clear acrylic tubing will let you connect standard dosing pump tubing directly to the jugs.

Component 1+, 2+, 3+ can be used with:

  • SPS corals
  • LPS Corals
  • Soft Corals
  • Clams & other filter feeders

Dosing Instructions:

Dosing will vary per your aquariums demand for trace elements. For an average reef tank, the starting dose will be around 50 mL for every 100 liters (27 gal) of aquarium water (per component every day). We suggest testing your calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium levels for proper stability and adjusting accordingly.

Note: Dosing components too quickly together may cause precipitation. We recommend 1 hour between each components addition, helping prevent elements from falling out of solution.


Component 1+ contains: Ca, Sr, Ba, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr. (50mL dissolved in 27 US gal raises Ca by 9 mg).

Component 2+ contains: NaHCO3, F, I. (50mL dissolved in 27 US gal raises KH by 1.3 dKH)

Component 3+ contains: Mg, Reef Mineral Salt, K and B. (50mL dissolved in 27 US gal raises Mg by 0,6 mg).

Component 1+2+3+: The key to the balanced macro and trace elements dosage

Chemical composition of Component 1+2+3+ is based on the method developed by H. Balling. The formula has been fine tuned in our lab and enriched with trace elements that are fundamental for maintaining marine aquarium organisms in good form. As a result we have composed 3 fluids that are intended for dosing in equal amounts on regular basis. Component 1+2+3+ is designed to fulfil coral demands not only in terms of Magnesium and Calcium, but also in terms of other elements which require careful and systematic dosing, but are notoriously difficult to assess.


Product features:

  • Experience based formula
  • Ideal ratio of macro & trace elements
  •  Prefectly balanced fluids to meet all the aquarium’s needs
  • Provides ionic balance due to Reef Mineral Salt content


Precise dosing made easy: Component 1+2+3+ for coral’s vitality

Dosage: Needs to be adjusted according to the consumption of macro-nutrients, and based on critical water parameters like Calcium, Magnesium and KH. If one or two parameters are still not balanced- we recommend to continue with administering equal doses of each component, and take advantage of one of our additives (Calcium, Magnesium, KH Buffer) to restore desired level(s).

In order to maintain adequate amount of trace elements in aquarium water, both Magnesium and Calcium levels need to be within recommended range (Ca 380-460 ppm, Mg 1180-1460 ppm).

Typical aquarium with average number of hard corals requires approximately 25ml of each component per 100 l (27 US gal) of water daily. In order to keep the parameters stable, we advise to  split the daily dose into as many small doses as it’s possible. 



Component 1+ contains: Ca, Sr, Ba, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Mo (25 ml dissolved in 100 l/27 US gal raises Ca by 4,5 ppm).

Component 2+ contains: NaHCO3, F, I. (25 ml dissolved in 100 l/27 US gal raises KH by 0,65 dKH (Alk: 0,23 meq/l)).

Component 3+ contains: Mg, Reef Mineral Salt, K, B, Li (25 ml dissolved in 100 l/27 US gal raises Mg by 0,38 ppm).

Component 3 contains Reef Mineral Salt which is necessary for stabilization of aquarium parameters.



Why ionic balance is so important?

Aquaforest Reef Mineral Salt is a Sodium Chloride (NaCl) free sea salt. It contains all the other basic components found in natural seawater, such as Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Fluorine, Barium, Iodine, and trace elements.
NaCl free salt is one of the most important components of the Balling method, and it plays a significant role when Calcium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate supplementation is in place.
It is a common misconception among reefers that administering NaCl free salt is primarily supposed to replenish trace elements. The main task of Sodium Chloride free salt is to maintain ionic balance of aquarium water.
This practice is based on an important discovery made by Prof William Dittmar, a chemical analyst, and the “rule of constant proportions”. He analysed water samples from oceans and seas around the globe and documented that the composition of natural sea water remains constant, even though the salinity varies.

So what is the significance of adding NaCl free salt when administering Calcium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate?

Many marine organisms (e.g. hard corals) require Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) to grow their calcareous structures. This crucial substance is insoluble in natural seawater, so one way to work around this problem is administration of Ca++ and HCO3 in the form of water-soluble Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) and Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3). This method has a drawback though – in the form of unwanted NaCl:
CaCl2 + 2NaHCO3 = > CaCO3 + 2NaCl +H2O +CO2
A lot of people assume that additional presence of Sodium Chloride is harmless, as long as salinity is maintained at the desired level. Salinity however is not just a measure of table salt in H2O. Magnesium sulfate, Calcium sulfate, Potassium sulfate, Magnesium chloride, Calcium chloride and Potassium chloride are actually salts too, so when Sodium and Chloride levels rise, the natural balance of major elements is shifted. Incidentally the salinity might remain stable, but only due to excessive presence of Sodium Chloride. In a closed aquarium ecosystem the impact of NaCl build-up might be significant.
Many aquarists mistakenly assume that this issue can be easily corrected by regular water changes. Keep in mind however, that the only way to revert to the original water parameters would be with a 100% water change, while hardly anyone is replacing more than 10% weekly.
The use of NaCl free salt is not so common anymore, and application of the Balling method is often limited to 2 or sometimes 3 of its main components. This approach will probably not cause any problems for several weeks or even months, but in the meantime the chemical reactions that take place in the marine aquarium will lead to a deficit of trace elements.
Balling “two part” or “light” is gaining in popularity, but the truth is that the old, but revolutionary original method is much more effective when it comes to maintaining stable water parameters. Regular use of NaCl free salt is highly recommended to help address ionic imbalance issues in the long run.


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