Gold Mussel Clam

The Freshwater Asian Gold Mussel Clam offers a great choice for hobbyists seeking the unusual. This ornamental species introduces a delightful golden coloration to the aquarium and the opportunity to observe unusual and entertaining behavior. Unlike many freshwater bivalves, that completely bury themselves in the substrate, the Freshwater Asian Gold Clam prefers to remain only partially buried.

As a result, the Freshwater Asian Gold Clam is much easier to observe and appreciate. Interestingly, the Freshwater Asian Gold Clam is often quite active at night when you may be able to witness it using its “foot” to lumber across the aquarium bottom.

The Freshwater Asian Gold Clam is a filter feeder that can help keep aquarium water clear and clean. By removing uneaten food and detritus from the water column, the Freshwater Asian Gold Clam helps maintain water quality and lower nitrate levels.


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